Artists of the Gallery Marquette: Gail Mahan

 Gail is a landscape painter whose primary focus and passion is the outdoors. She prefers Plein Air painting and oils as a medium but uses other mediums as well, including computer generated art.  Gail takes her inspiration from  wildlife, and the lakes and streams that she calls her childhood playground.

How long have you been a memer of The Gallery Marquette?

I joined the Gallery first as a Marquette Artist Collective [MACC] member and then became a regular member of the Gallery.

What mediums do you primarily work in, and what’s your favorite?

I work in a variety of mediums as well as making jewelry and pyrography.

I tend to favor oils over other mediums due to their long lasting workability and vibrant colors. I purchase quality paints (preferably Michael Harding) because they tend to hold their vibrancy and are very smooth and workable.

What are you working on right now?


Recently I have been intrigued by abstract realism. I have started a series of animal art using abstract realism. My first endeavor is a horse using vibrant colors – currently at the Gallery.

What inspires you?

While growing up I spent a lot of time outdoors. I was fascinated and entertained by the nearby wildlife. During the winter months I would draw and paint during cold and stormy days. Nature inspired a lot of my childhood art and still does.

I love our landscape in Upper Michigan. I have lived in the Southwest and during that time I missed the greenery and sound of Lake Superior. I also missed the four seasons, although I didn’t miss the below zero temperatures and shoveling snow.

What are your strategies when you’re experiencing a creative lull?

Every artist has a time when their creativity seems to become stagnant. My solution during dry periods is to explore other mediums or techniques. Sometimes I will write poetry, do some pyrography or make some jewelry.

Taking a long walk among nature during the summer and surfing the internet for nature inspiration is another way I deal with dry spells. Sometimes I just let my imagination wander and come up with an imaginary scene.

How has your work evolved over the years?

I have evolved as an artist by using a variety of mediums and trying various styles of painting. I enjoy experimenting with various mediums and supplies that are readily available such as cold wax mediums for oils and crackle medium for acrylics.

What do you enjoy most about being a gallery docent?

Being a Gallery docent gives me the opportunity to meet clients and interact with people from out of our area, bringing insight into their outlook of the Gallery and various artwork. They love the variety and are usually very complimentary.

When can we find you at the gallery?

I usually work on Thursday afternoon or Friday afternoon. I enjoy special events at the Gallery and try to participate or donate food or drinks.

Do you have any big art dreams that you’d like to share?

My big dream is to create art that inspires others. I love color so I would like to do more colorful, abstract realism paintings.

Any advice for other aspiring artists?

If you love art but don’t think you can become an artist, take a class and get acquainted with your artistic side or talk to a local artist. You can become an artist with perseverance and guidance. You can do this!