Artists of the Gallery Marquette: Jenny Frein Hamel

Tell us a little bit about yourself …

I live in Gwinn, MI where I am also a full time elementary art teacher.  I have a BFA in fine arts from Northern Michigan University, where I studied in the ceramics program.  I am primarily a ceramics artist, but I also work with fiber and some other mediums as well. I find inspiration for my work while spending time in nature. 

My pottery is mostly functional and meant to be used as part of our daily rituals, like making a cup of coffee. I hope my unique handmade pieces bring joy to the everyday.

What mediums do you primarily work in, and what’s your favorite?

My favorite medium is ceramics. For the past six years it has been my primary focus. Prior to that, I primarily worked with fibers.

What are you working on right now (or most recently)?

Currently, I have been doing a lot of hand built/slab pottery. I love making impressions/printing on clays, and playing with different textures and patterns printed on the slab surface.

What inspires you?

I am inspired by textures, patterns, and colors found in nature.

What are your strategies when you’re experiencing a creative lull?

When I have a creative lull, I tell myself to “Just play” with the clay without expectations. Often this gets me started in some sort of direction- Inspires me to investigate a new process or theme, or go about creating in a new or different way. Trying new ways of making will usually help me to get moving and out of a creative lull.

How has your work evolved over the years?

In more recent years I have taken more interest in using textures and patterns on my clay surfaces. Initially my pottery work was mostly wheel thrown with smooth or flat surfaces. Many of my textures are created with stamps I have made out of clay or other printmaking materials.

What do you enjoy most about being a gallery docent?

I love the chance to talk with gallery visitors! I love to see them get excited, inspired, or moved by the artwork of our many talented artists.

When can we find you at the gallery?

I am an elementary art teacher, so most of my shifts during the school year are on the weekends.