The Judy Sarosik Gallery: Our first artist! Carie Roberts

The members of The Gallery Marquette are pleased to present the Judy Sarosik Rotating Gallery.

This mini-gallery with in The Gallery will feature invitational and themed shows every 4-6 weeks.

The first artist that we featured was Carrie Roberts.

Click this photo to see Carie’s Instagram!

Carie Roberts, born and raised in the lively town of Chattanooga, Tennessee, grew up with an eye for art and involved herself in the arts and volunteer work from a young age.

Now a native Michigander of thirteen years, she graduated from Northern Michigan University with a Bachelor’s Degree of Arts and Sciences, Art and Design concentration of Sculpture in 2019.

Carie’s personal work currently focuses on found-object assemblages creating curious juxtapositions that capture the mind while offering glimpses of her own thoughts and the nature of time. She creates works that are a reflection of self through narratives that have never existed before. The desire is to capture her self-portrait through the individuality of the materials and objects while exploring avenues of impermanence and permanence of life and death in relationship to herself. She expresses
these elements through her sculptures, giving the viewers a window into the layers of her identity and finds the challenging medium of multiple objects to be a perfect reflection of the often uncontrollable world around us.