I grew up on an Austrian mountain farm, immigrated to the USA in 1964 and have lived in Marquette since 1971. Initially I worked as a freelance Journalist. In Marquette I took some photo classes and began my career as an artist. I still spend 3 months a year in Austria and returning to my childhood home there inspires my writing( a memoir and poetry) as well as my art, primarily the body of work A Family Album.
What mediums do you primarily work in, and what are you working on right now?
Latest Cigar Box Shrine. Zulu Fertility Goddess
I started as a self-taught photographer in the early seventies and evolved into a mixed media media artist in the nineties, when I created a large body of work: A FAMILY ALBUM from family records, artifacts, photograph. This work is now permanently installed in a private Gallery in Austria. After 15 years of this emotional work I needed a reprieve and began creating my whimsical mixed media Cigar Box Shrines, recycling accumulated treasures. I am still making these. I’m also posting a daily photo journal- phone images from my walks and encounters.
What inspires you?
Nature and art work by others; LIFE!
How has your work evolved over the years?
I have never planned to pursue a particular path. It has always evolved. Although I find 100 Day Projects inspirational. I can pursue a topic I otherwise would not over a 100 day period. In the early days I found workshops by master photographers more helpful than classes.
How does the landscape climate of this region influence you?
I tend to work more in the cold season. I love to take photographs of ice.
What do you enjoy most about being a gallery docent?
Meeting people who are interested in buying art and having conversations about what turns them on.
When can we find you at the gallery?
Wednesdays 2-5
Do you have any big art dreams that you’d like to share?
I’m 83 years old, so I’m just grateful to keep working.
During the month of February, 2022, I will have a LOOKING BACK exhibit at the DEO Gallery, located in the lower level of the Peter White Public Library in Marquette. There you can see how I started out and developed.
On display will be photographic work of the past 50 years, starting in the mid-seventies.
There will be a Reception on February 10th with a Gallery Talk.